Extremely hot gourmet festival 2019 SOGO Hiroshima edition
1st round: Oct 4 to 6th (Sun) & from 11th to 14th (Mon)
2nd round Oct 18 to 20th (Sun) & from 25th to 27th (Sun)
The 43rd Hokkaido Bussanten (Product and sightseeing and food exhibition)
From Oct 16 (Wed) to 28th (Mon) at SOGO Hiroshima
As some of you may know “Hokkaido” is northern part of Japan and its known fresh seafood,diary and tasty food. The “Bussanten” is famous event in Japan which featured each region in Japan. Especially “Hokkaido Bussan-ten” is recognized by Japanese as killer contents. You can get some sweets and souvenir without visiting Hokkaido.
Hope you can enjoy Hokkaido at Hiroshima!